Angela da Foligno’s Memorial Analysis

St. Angela of Foligno by mephetti

In Angela da Foligno’s Memorial, she writes about her devoted journey to becoming closer to God and repenting her sins. She writes out her journey into steps. When describing her experience during the fourteenth step, Angela writes graphic details about what God told her to do. In the first paragraph on page 29, Angela says that God is telling her to drink the blood from his side wound. She says that his blood is cleansing her. This is very bloody and graphic imagery. Angela enhances this imagery by describing the blood from his wound as “freshly flowing”. In reality, the image she portrays in her writing is difficult to visualize based on the human experience. In the second paragraph, she tells us about asking God to pour out the blood in her body so that she can “ suffer a death more vile than his”.  This demonstrates Angela’s level of devotion to God.

1 thought on “Angela da Foligno’s Memorial Analysis”

  1. Very nice! You did indeed find one of the strongest episode of the part of the Memorial we read. The picture is also very nice. Maybe more than God it is Jesus that talks to Angela. Also: can you think of a more catchy title?

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